Is summer slide real?

From the “Learner.com” Summer slide is real and can be accumulated over time. Some studies show that 70-78% of students have a reduction in skills from previous school year learning. In some cases the reading proficiency was reduced by 2 months over summer

Do summer academic programs really help?

Studies have shown that participating in summer learning programs students are far more likely to show gains in reading and spelling vs students who were not involved in learning programs. Avoiding a 2 month relearning time in the fall helps students hit the ground running in a new academic year.

Is a tutoring program going to be dreaded in the summer?

The top priority of Motus and Learning is to make learning fun, meet students where they are, and keep them engaged. We add elements of fun to fine motor skills that directly affect writing, balance, and coordination. All skills needed to be successful in the classroom. By using bubbles, water, and outdoor activities our learners will never feel like summer is going on with out them. We focus on every student individual goals so they are part of the learning process and are not just told what they have to do. This gives our program intrinsic value to each student.

What is the time frame of this program?

Our tutoring sessions are 50 minutes long. Every session focuses on building attention, reading spelling, and gross/ fine motor development. We send home weekly activities to underscore new learning which can be done in as little as 5-10 minutes a day. This can be done 4 times a week when not session. Making the time commitment to only 90 minutes a week.

What is the cost of a program like this?

The cost for our program aligns with most other after school or learning experiences students have. We charge 40.00 per session. Prepaying for entire program receive a $20.00 reduction in cost. Missed sessions during the summer will be decided on situation by situation. Planned vacations must be pre authorized as space is limited this summer.

What makes Motus and Learning qualified to do tutoring?

Brenda at Motus and Learning has had over 20 years of experience in classroom and student support. This has been through program development, direct student contact, and post college certification in vision therapy. Using activities and proven programs such at the Barton Reading and Spelling System™ have been successfully implemented for more that 10 years. My website has several reviews and testimonies from past parents, students and colleagues. Feel free to ask questions to see if we are a good fit for your student.