Pre-Writing Activities for ages 4-6


5 Basic pre writing grip and writing prompts. This is a great visual activity list for new writers. How to hold a pencil properly, and each finger has a job for writing.

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5 Basic pre writing grip and writing prompts. This is a great visual activity list for new writers. How to hold a pencil properly, and each finger has a job for writing.

5 Basic pre writing grip and writing prompts. This is a great visual activity list for new writers. How to hold a pencil properly, and each finger has a job for writing.

Proper handwriting starts with good hand posture.

  • To have proper writing posture: sitting in a seat with bottom on the chair feet on the floor

  • head above shoulders

  • fingers, wrist, and arms have their “Just Right Place”.

This entire unit will give you all the tools needed to help get little hands ready to write. Each activity will build muscle strength and awareness.